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I’m the survivor of two and a half marriages (I have high hopes for number three!) and seven and a half careers.

For most of my life, I’ve wished that I could reinvent myself as someone who didn’t need to keep reinventing herself. I’ve gone from one career to another, from one relationship to another, always feeling like what I was doing and who I was with could never quite catch up with the me I was forever chasing. I just wanted…

I didn’t know what I wanted. I just knew I hadn’t found it.

Finally, through my writing, I’ve realized that I’ve always just wanted to find a home, a job, a relationship where I felt I could fit in. Something I’ve never had before.

When I write, I’m drawn to characters who are outsiders. Ordinary, everyday people who are outsiders only because they decide they are, for some reason that lives deep inside of them. Like me. Like most of us, I suspect.

 I live in Naperville, Illinois, a western suburb of Chicago. I’m currently working on the fourth draft of my first book, Self-Medicating with Marriage.